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Individual attention gets as much focus as large groups do.


Sometimes the BEST way to learn is with a little one on one time!

  • Certain individuals with special needs may be considered for the award of a single workstation, and in extreme circumstances even a small workgroup setup.

  • If you have any school aged children then you know the biggest challenge that the public school systems face today is over crowding. Combine that with the undeniable fact that computers are showing up everywhere from your local coffee shop to the front seat of police cruisers.

  • Face it. Everyone needs to know their way around a computer.

    Although our PRIMARY focus is on small network and lab setups we also offer, in some cases, the opportunity for an individual, showing special merit, to receive the gift of a computer workstation.

    This may consist of a single PC and monitor however in some instances an entire 3 station workgroup may be awarded.

  • Individual awards are made on a needs and availability basis, but please don’t think they are JUST for kids.

    YES the ‘children are our future’ but they aren’t the only ones deserving our help. According to C-NET ONLINE one of the largest and most prolific groups of computer users are the retired portion of America. Studies have shown that those among us with “a little snow on the roof” have the time, the money and most importantly, the patience to learn new things.  And VERY few things in life change as much and as often as Information Technology.

    So please, if you feel you may qualify, or you know someone who may, drop us an email and let’s get the process started!











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Last modified: 05/29/07